#WeekendWisdom 016 Password Best Practices

Welcome to #WeekendWisdom number 16. This week I’m going to talk about Password Best Practices.

Password Best Practices

This will be a simple week of do’s and don’ts around passwords.

Do use a unique password

Use a unique password for every single site, service and account that you may have.

Do use a long password

And do use long passwords for those sites, services and accounts. I’m talking about 15 characters or more for the passwords.

Now your probably thinking “How the hell am I going to remember long passwords like that, for the dozens and dozens of accounts that I have?”

Do use a password manager

Get yourself a password manager which will do the remembering for you. All you need to do is remember a single master password, for the password manager. Now make that one password nice and long, like 20 characters or more. But that is the only password that you need to remember. The password manager can then generate really long, complicated passwords for all of your accounts for you. And it will just remember them for you.

Don’t share your passwords

Don’t share your password with anybody else, because sharing a password with other people might be considered a data breach. Because they may suddenly have access to data that they shouldn’t do.

Don’t regularly change your passwords

And finally don’t change your passwords on a regular basis. Passwords that are changed on a regular basis usually end up with numbers at the end of them which get incremented each time the password is changed and that is really, really poor. You should only change your password if you suspect it has been compromised.

So that’s it for this week. Let’s be careful out there and we’ll talk to you again next week.

